The Land of OZ and The Land of Babel

What do the Land of Oz and the land of Babel have in common? Is it the bedazzling sparkling of the blinding brightness of shimmering silver and gold? How about the horse of a different color? Maybe it’s the tower of Oz and the tower of Babel? The Wizard occupied the tower of Oz and Nimrod occupied the tower of Babel, yes? Both rulers were feared and adorned by its people. Is that not a similarity? They were both the center of their respective cities. Were both of them also cursed due their spectacular abundance of glitter and wealth or were they praised by the Most High? A witch threatened one city while the other was held in blasphemy. What about the Metropolis of our time…the maze in which we reside? Is there a lesson to be learned? Could we, mere mortals, possibly comprehend the teachings of children?

Take a lesson…

On Friday 27 2011, my Granddaughter, Gianni participated in a Kindergarten production/play. The school she attends happens to be a Christian Academics Institution. Her caricature was “Glinda” the good witch of the North. Needless to say the story was of the 1939 book and movie, “The Wizard of Oz.” The Children put on an excellent performance. The audience was also most gracious…the parents and grandparents, and other spectators alike enjoyed the show. The cast of characters was spectacular. The five, six, and possibly seven year olds’ paraded down and around the paper-mechea’ed yellow-brick road, which surrounded the auditorium/gym and dinning hall. Cameras of all types snapped, recorded, and popped out from everywhere. The fear of missing out on the nostalgia (and keep-sake) of the moment swept through the air like a sale at J.C. Penny’s going out of business parade. The excitement could be felt from the top of the building to the bottom.

Finally, the curtain swept open to reveal the creative geniuses to the anxiety filled audience. The thunder of clap and the whisper of awe gave way to non-descriptive shrills from the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and cousins – the ‘men-folk’ merely smiled with approval and pride.

The cast of characters were trouped by ‘Jymeer,’ ‘Rebecca,’ ‘Jacqueline,’ ‘Timothy,’ ‘Bret,’ ‘Anwar,’ ‘Morgan,’ ‘Christian,’ ‘Joey,’ ‘William.’ ‘Amanda,’ ‘Raya,’ ‘Evelyn,’ ‘Ameer,’ ‘John,’ ‘Gianni,’ ‘Zephorah,’ and ‘Davaughn’ were just astounding! Many of us are aware, via the movie (and possibly the book) of the exploits of the “Tin Woodsman,” the “Scarecrow,” “the Cowardly Lion,” “Dorothy,” and “Toto.” Remember the goodness of “Glinda” and the happy, joyous, and gratefully liberated “Munchkins?” How about the sly, slick, and boisterous “Wizard/Professor Marvel?” Have you not been angered by the complacency of “Auntie Em” (Uncle Henry just scratched his head) when Dorothy tried to tell her something?

She made many attempts to relay the fact that “Something Wicked This Way Comes!” But they wouldn’t listen, would they? They all thought,”this little girl is crazy!” It took events to come to pass in order for them to maybe understand that everything we need, be it relationships, financial stability, sustenance, and yes…life itself, begins with faith in God – and not faith in Man or Mammon. It is God who placed us all on the path of the “Yellow Brick Road” of life. It is up to us to do the right things and to love one another…yet we judge and critisize while it is we who will be judged.

The characters in the story had to follow the Yellow Brick Road in order to reach the Wizard. They sought the Wizard in order to fulfill their desire(s). The road to perdition is faulty – you wouldn’t get there…it’s a dead end road. The deep and dark land of the wood is dangerous. It’s frothed with falsehoods, anti-Gods, demons, devils, and witches. The ‘Wicked Ole Witch’ attempted to kill, destroy, and keep the good-intentioned group from reaching their dreams and desire(s). Could we equate the “Yellow Brick Road” with the road to salvation? Was it not quoted in the Bible that it was Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me?” (John14: 6) Where do you walk in this world of Metropolis?

What road do you use in order to arrive at your desired destination? How about the road of war, invasion, and annihilation? Did it not take ‘Glinda,’ the good witch – the guardian angel to watch over the troupe – to keep them on the straight and narrow?

The Scarecrow sought a brain in the land of Oz. Would you not agree that God gave us all a brain with the potential to have great wisdom? “If any of you lacks wisdom, she/he should ask God, who gives generously to all without fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)

The Tin Man wanted a heart. What would you do if you had no heart? Every day people show no love for each other. What ever happened to “We The People?” The politicos constantly attack that which they don’t happen to agree – the President wishes good things for the people of this U.S. Metropolis while his colleagues’ focus on hatred, riches, lust, and contempt. Is it possible for God to change the hatred in the hearts of man and woman? “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26)

The Lion wanted courage. Do we get our courage from the knowledge of God? Isn’t it he who is always with us – protecting us? When we begin to understand this and believe and practice courage, the more courage we shall have in order to sustain our very existence on this planet to stand up for what is right – regardless of the enemy or challenge. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Dorothy wanted to go home. “There’s no place like home!” Your home is your castle – no one dares to disrespect it, yes? I wonder…with all of the foreclosures, relocations, bankruptcies, floods, insurance schemes and scams, hunger, and job loss after job loss; the politicos want to eradicate Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Unions, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Public Welfare while shipping our jobs overseas in order to get richer (avoiding the tax man with shelters and low overhead, i.e., decent wages to the workers). They do not wish to contribute their fair share while supporting raising taxes on you and me. They tell you your future is secure…”just anti-up on your contributions – we need your money” – it doesn’t matter if you receive U.C., S.S., or any other supplemental or residual revenue…it is TAXABLE! The only power is O.P.M. (Other Peoples Money). There’s no place like home…? I don’t think I’ll live anywhere other than the good-ole U.S. – what are they doing to the people in other countries. Remember Zarganar? How about the atrocities that occur in Mother Africa, Asia, Egypt, and oh yes – the Entire Middle East as well as a few other unmentionable societies? It is said that we have the perfect home awaiting us in Heaven – while we shit all over this one. This world is NOT OUR HOME – WE ARE ONLY TENANTS – WE ARE HERE TEMPORARILY! “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord, OUR GOD (Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, and any other so-called religious denomination) lives.” (Philippians 3:20)

Let me tell you of Babel…the Land, the Tower.

“Come let us build us a tower whose top may reach unto the stars! And on the top of the tower we will write the words: Great is the World and its’ Creator! And great is Man!”

But the minds that had conceived the tower of Babel could not build it. The task was too great. So they hired hands for wages. But the hands that built the tower of Babel knew nothing of the dream of the brain that had conceived it. Thousands upon thousands sweat and bled and died. One man’s hymns of praise became the other man’s curses. People spoke the same language, but could not understand each other…

The head and the hands were not in cohesion, one dominant the other subjective. Great is the world and its’ Creator and great is Man – “The Head and the hands needed a mediator!”

The brain behind the dream could not control/contain the hired hand(s)…and began to sow discord betwix the head and the hand(s) – divide and conquer. The lust and desire to contain and control – suppress, oppress, possess, and cause hatred…soon brought the tower tumbling and crumbling down – into the dust from which it came.

Take heed and be forewarned (Powers that Be)…the seven deadly sins (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony) – Avarice being the forefront practice of many governments and their so-called leaders – covetousness, lust, and gluttony. Does this all sound familiar…as of late? The limelight lifestyles of the rich, the famous, the political panhandlers and warmongers will be their/your/our undoing. These symptoms have come to pass on numerous occasions, have they not?

“Let the workers do as they will…let those in the depths use force and do wrong, so that we can be justified in using force against them…behold a New World Order!”

Out from amongst us, a mediator whose number is forty-four. They will attempt to destroy (our) belief in him. Who is the heart? Peace be thy name (some who call Yashua, Jesus, and the Christ). “Oh mediator, show them (the head and the hands) the way to each other…!”

The children continue to show us the way. Ask them if it matters about the color of the skin of their friend(s) – see them play, sing, eat, run, sleep, laugh, and hug together without reason or rhyme – see them entertain with their genius and zeal, the cohesion of love, faith, and trust in each other while they are protected from the evil, animosity, and hatred in this land between Oz and Babel.
Take a lesson.
Til next time…

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