Real Estate Lingo in Singapore

Deborah K. Vick

For Singapore, it is not difficult to identify the terms used in real estate transactions. All of the terms reflect a widespread use of English in the realm of communicating and this singular usage has resulted in a highly developed real estate lingo which has brought together the four main […]

Selling Homes For Sale By Owner

Deborah K. Vick

Why go through a realtor to sell your home when you can sell it yourself and save thousands of dollars? When you use a realtor to sell your home, you must pay real estate brokerage fees. Instead of paying these fees to someone else you can sell for sale by […]

The New American Urbanism

Deborah K. Vick

American readers are going to be thrilled by this: somebody out there is trying to build a new America – without Americans, that is. And, to be more specific, it is the European Union (EU), Putin’s New Russia and Capitalist China the ones that are trying to do it. They […]