Top 5 Rooms to Renovate in Your Home

Deborah K. Vick

1 | Kitchens The most popular renovation is (and likely will be for the foreseeable future) your kitchen. Kitchens have become the focal point of homes everywhere. You can drastically improve the quality and value of your home by renovating this room first. There are countless ways to improve your […]

Real Estate Marketing Plan

Deborah K. Vick

Are you looking to hone or develop your real estate marketing plan? For those looking for marketing tools for realtors (R) and real estate agents, the “best practices” of multi-million dollar agents includes several “pillars”, or sources of leads, and refinement to the three key points of client contact. These […]

Tax Advantages For Homeowners

Deborah K. Vick

What do you stand to gain by buying a second home? Buying a second home is cost intensive, so you need to know how to reduce the cost by learning how you can reduce your taxes on such homes. You can learn what the various tax deductibles you can benefit […]

Focusing In On Reunion Resort Homes

Deborah K. Vick

The American real estate foreclosure phenomenon created opportunities for many buyers interested in Reunion resort homes. These luxury homes for sale would have been priced beyond the reach of many real estate investors in the past. However, these foreclosures afforded potential investors another chance to dream with renewed possibilities; backed […]

Modern Design Inspiration in Home Decorating

Deborah K. Vick

Do you have a passion for elegant high-end interior design? Can you imagine the divine design and luxury comfort of beautiful home spaces? Your visions and dreams for decorative, modern room settings are possible with unlimited inspiration. It is a fun and easy project to gather ideas and resources for […]

What to Expect From Living in Luxury Apartments

Deborah K. Vick

What do luxury apartments have to offer? Well, they are included in well-maintained residences, with exclusive neighborhoods, which are generally not accessible to the general public. That creates a safer environment for the residents, thus allowing them to be more relaxed and enjoy their time. Moreover, the maintenance staff finds […]